Parent involvement

We actively encourage parental support and involvement in school.

With children

Whilst we appreciate that lots of parents both work, we are always grateful for help on class outings. Infant classes appreciate help with reading and cooking and Junior classes with help running some of the Thursday clubs or providing transport.

Parents are welcome to attend assemblies, especially if their child is taking part in their class assembly or their child is being celebrated in one of our Celebration Assemblies. Prize-giving and final assembly are held at the end of each term.

During Harvest Festival assembly, each child is asked to bring in a donation, which our School Committee then gives to a local charity. At Christmas, Infants put on a Christmas show and Juniors hold a carol concert at the Barn Church. In spring, we have the Unicorn Arts Week and an assembly with a particular theme. The grand finale is the year end production by Year 6, which parents provide invaluable help with costumes, scenery and staging.

With teachers

Parent meetings are held at the start of the autumn term to meet the class teacher and assistant. A copy of the timetable is provided and what to expect during the year ahead is explained, eg homework days/matches/music lessons.
Parent/teacher interviews are held in the autumn and spring terms. In the spring term, you can book to meet with all the teachers your child sees, eg games, French, learning support etc. Individual parent meetings for Year 5, to discuss senior schools, are held in the summer term.

Annual reports are sent home at the end of the summer term, with interim reports being sent in February.

With other parents

Each class has at least three reps. Part of their job is to sit on the School Committee, which meets once a term. Being a rep is a great opportunity to get to know other people and how the school operates. Reps assist at school events, eg. Harvest Festival, Christmas and summer fairs, help organise fund-raising events and plan social ones.

With the school

The Governing Body consists of elected representatives of the parents and certain non-parental individuals (usually, but not exclusively, having educational experience) who are invited by the other Governors to stand for election.