Embracing the 11+ process: A gateway to growth and choice

In the landscape of British education, the transition from primary to secondary school marks a significant milestone for children and parents alike. Often approached with dread, I believe it is time to embrace the 11+ process as a way to open doors to the fantastic and diverse array of senior schools in our area. This journey not only exposes children to their first taste of external examinations but also fosters resilience when handled thoughtfully by both prep and senior schools and families of the pupils involved.

The freedom of choice

One of the most compelling aspects of the 11+ process is the freedom it offers in choosing a senior school. Unlike ‘all through’ schools, where progression is predetermined, the 11+ allows families to explore a variety of educational philosophies, facilities, and extracurricular offerings. Children change so much during their time at primary school that choosing their secondary school when they are very young could result in a school choice that is not quite right for the child at 11. London, in particular, has an amazing array of senior schools each with different features and strengths. This variety empowers parents and pupils to select a school that best aligns with their academic, social, and personal aspirations.

Introduction to external examinations

For many children, the 11+ marks their first encounter with external examinations. This early exposure not only familiarises them with exam formats and procedures but also instills a sense of responsibility and accountability. Navigating the 11+ process teaches valuable time-management skills and encourages a disciplined approach to learning, setting a foundation for future academic challenges. We have found at Unicorn that, whilst children can start the process apprehensively, they are usually quite surprised that they end up almost enjoying the routine and rigour of practice texts and comprehensive and personal feedback.

Building resilience through setbacks

The 11+ journey is not without its challenges. Facing setbacks and disappointments, such as not securing a place in a preferred school, can be disheartening. However, these experiences play a crucial role in developing resilience. Children learn to bounce back from setbacks, adapt their strategies, and persevere towards their goals. Such resilience is a lifelong skill that prepares them for future academic and personal endeavours. It can be hard as a parent not being able to shield your children from disappointment. But, with support and encouragement, children learn that these sorts of things are not ‘the end of the world’. It is so much better for children to face challenges when supported by school and family rather than facing their first setback alone at university and not being able to draw on any previously learned coping strategies.

Minimising stress through preparation

Critically, the stress associated with the 11+ process can be managed through careful preparation and support. School plays a pivotal role in equipping pupils with the academic skills, confidence, and ways to manage stress that are needed to excel in exams. Moreover, parental involvement that emphasises encouragement over pressure creates a supportive environment where children feel empowered rather than overwhelmed.


In conclusion, while the decision between an ‘all through’ school and embracing the 11+ process is deeply personal, the latter offers unique benefits that should not be overlooked. From the freedom to choose among a plethora of senior schools to the development of resilience in the face of challenges, the 11+ journey prepares children not just academically but holistically for the road ahead. By fostering a supportive and nurturing environment, both at school and at home, families can ensure that their children embark on this educational milestone with confidence and enthusiasm.

Mrs Fraley, Headteacher