
Termly fees for 2024/2025

Class Termly fees (incl lunch)
Nursery – Red Class (mornings) £3,175
Nursery – Red Class (4 x full days and morning only on Fridays) £5,250
Reception, Years 1 & 2 – Orange, Yellow & Green Classes £5,560
Year 3 & 4 – Blue & Indigo Classes £5,960
Year 5 – Violet Class £6,065
Year 6 – Ultra Violet Class £6,225

Unicorn School offers the Universal 15 hours Early Education Funding for 3 and 4 year olds.

In addition the fees above include lunch for all pupils except those in the Nursery that are mornings only. Infants regularly visit the Forest School in Ham and the cost of these are included in the fee above. In addition the fees for years 3 to 6 also include Thursday clubs and the Field Study trip.

The school is incorporated as a limited liability company whose share capital is guaranteed by the members. One parent from each family is a member of the company whose guarantee is limited to £1.00. The school is registered as an Educational Charity, number 312578.

Unicorn is a non-profit-making company. Fees are invoiced by e-mail and fall due on the first day of each term.  In the case of withdrawal of a child, one full term‘s notice in writing must be given, by the last day of the previous term, or one term‘s fees paid in lieu of notice.

We offer an optional fees refund scheme, in case a pupil is unable to attend due to illness or accident, and all pupils are covered by a personal accident insurance scheme. Please ask the School Bursar for details.

Special educational needs lessons, individual music lessons, certain clubs and outings are charged as extras.

For details of our bursary scheme, please click here.