Health and Safety and the Environment

I would like to draw your attention to two particular areas that we are concentrating on this term.

The first is Health and Safety.
We constantly focus on this, every day, term and year and it covers so many aspects of child safety and security. We have a number of policies and procedures that are regularly reviewed. In Assembly I focused on the playground and how the children can remain happy and safe if we have a consistent approach. Unicorn staff will of course communicate with each other, pupils and parents, and do all we can to ensure your children are as safe as possible, whilst not being completely risk free. We would be most grateful if you could also support this just by highlighting the importance of safety when you are out and about with your children: crossing the road, going for a bike ride, visiting the beach, whatever it may be.

The second emphasis is the environment.
One of our charities this year is supporting Friends of the Earth; we are looking to reduce our carbon footprint and I know there are areas where we can improve. At school all the children, whether through school council, eco warriors, or within their class, will be stopping to think about our environment and I hope that we may be able to make a small difference with some immediate fixes and some long term changes. Many of you will be particularly passionate about this and anything you do with the children at home will no doubt enhance what we are trying to achieve.