Internet Safety, Youth Mental Health and Articles

Dick Moore’s talk on mental health issues and awareness of depression among young children

‘Lawnmowers and Helicopters – Helping Young People Tick’

Please click on the link below to see a  copy of Dick Moore’s slide presentation of his talk to parents, governors and staff about mental health issues and awareness of depression among young children.

Dick Moore’s – ‘Lawnmowers and Helicopters – Helping Young People Tick’

Karl Hopwood’s talk on Online Safety for Parents

Karl Hopwood’s – Online Safety for Parents

Karl, an indepdendent esafety expert came in and gave an extremely informative talk to parents on online safety. As an ex primary headteacher, he continues to work closely in schools across Europe with children, young people, parents and teachers to develop safer online behaviours and the promotion of digital literacy.

Please click on the links below to access his summary of the session and the internet matters website which contains material you can download.

Parent Online Safety session

Parent Online Support pack