
Gold with distinction for our Unicorn Singers … and more!

I would like to formally thank all the children in Year 6, their parents and the staff who teach them. Although there is still over a term to go with…

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Arts and Culture Week

The week before half term we were inundated with birds during our Arts and Culture Week; Birds of every description and colour! The excitement added even more joy and vibrance…

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Unicorn School raises an amazing £1,646 for the Australian Red Cross

On Monday we held our own Unicorn Australia Day, raising money for the Australian Red Cross in aid of the terrible wildfires that are devastating parts of Australia. Children, staff…

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Head’s blog

Unbelievably, we are now three weeks into term and Christmas and the new year seem a distant memory. This is especially the case for those children who have been involved…

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Remembrance Assembly and Anti Bullying Week

We started last week with a moving Remembrance assembly given by our Year 6 Class, which provided us with the opportunity to stop and reflect. We have been thinking about…

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‘Ocean World’ Assembly

In assembly on Monday, the juniors performed the cantata, ‘Ocean World’, a musical which tells the story of a dangerous journey undertaken by a mother whale and her baby calf,…

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Thank you Mrs Timmis (former Headmistress) and Mr Bayliss (Co-Chair of Governors)

A huge thank you to Fiona Timmis (former Headmistress) and Geoff Bayliss (Co-Chair of Governors) for coming into Year 1 this week to help us with our History Project, Houses…

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Unicorn School’s many virtues

  Farmers’ Market Thank you so much to the parents for organising the successful Farmers’ Market last Friday and to everyone for really getting into the spirit. It was a…

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Summer Fair Success

This year’s Summer Fair was another huge success; thanks to all who turned out cupboards, donated, wrapped, baked and shopped! The weather held (for the most part!) and the playground…

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Unicorn’s Busy Bees

Excellent behaviour and good manners I heard fantastic reports about the children in Years 5 and 6 when they were on their residential trips to Cornwall and Cumbria respectively. The…

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