
Health and Safety and the Environment

I would like to draw your attention to two particular areas that we are concentrating on this term. The first is Health and Safety. We constantly focus on this, every…

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Unicorn School’s end of spring term round-up

Thank you for everyone’s contribution to this busy spring term: my colleagues for their diligent work and support; parents and governors for their involvement in the school’s activities; and of…

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Unicorn’s 2019 Sponsored Swim – a whopping 71.27 km swam!

Wow! A huge well done to all the children who swam in the Sponsored Swim. As you can see from the final scores on the doors below, an amazing 2,160…

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James Shone’s Talk – Inspiring Confidence in Every Individual

During his speech to Unicorn parents and teachers, James demonstrated to us the tremendous value of having the philosophy of ‘I can and I am’, inspiring confidence in every individual…

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Recitals, poet Rachel Rooney and inspirational speaker, James Shone

Recitals It seems an age ago that we returned from half term with record warm temperatures in Kew for winter months in the UK and although the weather may have…

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… And another win on the hockey pitch v Harrodian

The U11 A team came away with a fantastic 3 – 1 win after facing Harrodian on Thursday. The U10 A team won their match against Harrodian last week too…

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What a week for Unicorn hockey!

Our Year 4 girls competed in a hockey festival organised and run by Prospect House. The brief was simple: Think about the skills you have been practising, enjoy yourselves and…

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Unicorn School’s many virtues

Kindness and good manners We are now more than three weeks into the term, which has been as busy and energetic as ever. We continue with our emphasis on kindness…

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National General Knowledge Championships

This week eight Unicorn children pitted their wits against a tough field of schools at Manor House School in Little Bookham. One of our teams finished a fantastic second, only…

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Unicorn Charities for spring, summer and autumn terms 2019

Project 360 – Looking at Unicorn’s own environmental footprint and what can we do to improve our impact e.g. more recycling, more growing, less wastage, less pollution, etc.; teaching us…

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